South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, Mar 13, 2018

2018-03-13 He's only got a few CC Public Inputs left

Don’t we wish his time was over? Since we all know the expiration date is near the countdown is on. Just 60 days left before our misery is over with the guy who makes these meetings a pain. We had an amazing experience with someone running the meeting the week before who actually wasn’t trying to hide something. The man who complains he can never recover from the accumulated Public Inputs he’s had to suffer through will soon never have to sit through them again.

Why do we go through this pain every week? It was great to see Sioux Falls lawyer Bob Trzynka, our regulars Sierra Brossard, Tim Stanga, David Zokaites, Mike Gunn, Detroit Lewis, Cameraman Bruce be joined by Thor Bardon and Jim Guisler to let the Council and city in on the latest.

The main theme seemed to be about how nice the meeting was the week before with someone else in charge of the meeting. The overflowing number of thank you comments to the Council Chair did not seem to go over very well. Hmmmmm…..

Bob Trzynka, Mike Gunn and Jim Guisler did a nice job letting everyone think about the sound issues in Sioux Falls. It turns out the sound levels they are trying to enforce are lower than the regular ambient levels. Do ya think there’s a problem? Enjoy what the MayorCam caught of the moderator’s fumbling meeting management.

There was a few moments caught on video of Tex Golfing’s smug attitude in pulling off their attempt at 2018 election rigging. The moderator and soon to be gone Tex Golfing only have a few more meetings to be smug in, then it’s the classic “don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good Lord split ya”.

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