By l3wis

7 thoughts on “TenHaken’s Blue Period”
  1. There aren’t that many Paul’s who make it into political office. Why is that? An artist would be Paul McCartny. In religion, John Paul. A Paul in politics just sounds apPAULing.

  2. I got to thinking, this probably is the outfit he will wear to welcome the Potsdam officials, if mayor, when they return next summer for “Hot Harley Nights.” But he better get some sidecars, because I know they like them…..(Or, at least they did on “Hogan’s Heros.” 🙁 )

  3. Say, he’s turned the “ad” into a tv commercial now, if you haven’t seen it yet…. Boy, I can’t wait for the fall premiere of…..”ThuneHaken”….. It’s going to be a good one…. (As long as it stays as a fictional tv show, that is….)

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