I had a thought to myself while listening to the radio this morning on the way to work. In reference to the drunk driver who mowed down a light post and fire hydrant yesterday going 100 MPH. Communications officer Sam Clemens said that the damage to the hydrant and light post was a combined total of around $11K.

Ever notice when similar incidents occur, the SFPD always has a dollar amount of damages right away (which is fine) but for some strange reason safety audits, golf contracts and siding settlements must remain secret. Or the information isn’t available.

I guess when it is criminals costing tax payers money transparency is of upmost importance, but when it is elected officials, like our mayor costing us money, it’s a secret.

Food for thought.

One Thought on “Things that make you go Hmmm

  1. I wonder if they sit around and think of incident scenarios and cost estimates for them?… (I want to be on that “Committee!”)…..Like let’s say, how much would it cost if a train derailed under the viaduct causing a support pillar to collapse? Not that that would actually happen, however….. And I wonder if that would be “secret” too, or could that be listed under the “public” estimates of unfortunate incidents?…. And who audits all of this by the way too?….. And also, maybe this “$ 11,000” figure is kind of like when a heavy rain is arbitrarily called a “350 Year Event”, or was that “500?” I forgot.……(Maybe the “Committee” knows.)

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