No challengers. No Problem. Suck it.

Technically Rick doesn’t have to debate since he is an incumbent without a challenger.

But I had two different people tonight ask why he just doesn’t do it as a courtesy.

Good question.

I know in the past I have seen incumbents with no challengers participate in candidate forums, just to give voters a refresher of who they are and what they plan to do in the next term.

Maybe Rick doesn’t want us to know what he will be doing in the next 4 years. So much for transparency. I wonder if he knows that Huether will be gone after May 15th?

4 Thoughts on “Why isn’t Sioux Falls City Councilor Rick Kiley participating in Forums?

  1. Lemming on March 21, 2018 at 8:46 pm said:

    Rick is a nice guy, however he is also totally a MMM puppet. He has never got off of MMM’s path and has been a good little soldier and always voted with MMM. It has served him well.

  2. The D@ily Spin on March 21, 2018 at 9:11 pm said:

    Nobody cares for a Putin style winner. It’s probably best he hides at home.

  3. The fact that Kiley does not have an opponent and that he does not participate in recent forums speaks to the division in this town or how our town is truly a “A Tale of Two Cities.”

    Kiley for the most part represents that part of town, that is not touched by rising crime, can relate to development over the concerns or interests of an OSHA investigation, where housing is more expensive but so are incomes, so that two birds are killed with one stone when it comes to housing and wages that is, that part of town is well represented on boards too, my guess is that they have the best roads due to new development also, and probably more golfers per capital there too, who are heard better by City Hall, than say the concerns surrounding a dead construction worker.

    The issue is bigger than Kiley and his actions or inactions, rather Kiley as a Councilman and as a politician is symbolic of his part of town, and tells a tale of one of the two cities found within that town, which is suppose to be our town wherever one goes…..Or, well, at least that is what I thought and was once told, or was it just a tale?…..

  4. SF Neighborhood Associations are sponsoring a forum at the DT library tonite from 7 to 8:30.

    Wonder if he will show up tonite? Afterall, every council position represents multiple neighborhoods.

    I’ve watched him on the Council for the past four years. I think he does not want voters to hear how little he has learned in those years.

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