By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Brekke responds to the sign compliance issue”
  1. Why is Tom Greco suddenly so influential? It’s Strong Mayor Charter, he’s but a pawn. Brekke has identified there’s a problem with city authority. We answer to our supreme commandant, the mayor. Place your signs anywhere, we don’t have a new dictator as of yet.

  2. It’s interesting that the City can catch a “printing technicality,” but not put two and two together, when it comes to a collapsed building and then the funding source, or relationship, for a new ramp/hotel development.

  3. Can Tom Geeko retire with Turbak? Isn’t that the pyramid scheme? Sell yourself out after a short term then collect overcompensated from public funds.

  4. Crisp. Decisive. Transparent. “The buck stops on my desk” approach earns my vote tomorrow.

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