After listening to a morning radio show, I feel like some things need to be cleared up about Danielson’s lawsuit.

I will probably be called as a witness, so I will not comment on that part of the lawsuit, but I can comment about what we know.

Some are wondering why it took 3 years to file?

Danielson subsequently filed a criminal complaint into the incident with the state Division of Criminal Investigation, but nothing ever came of the complaint

If you read the suit, you will see that Danielson reported the incident right away to DCI. He didn’t sit on this for 3 years. Some have questioned the timing with Huether leaving office and Jackley being in the June primary;

Danielson said Monday that he filed the suit ahead of the statute of limitations, which would have kicked in three years after the incident.

He had to file it NOW or it would have been gone forever.

Like I said, as a witness I will not discuss the evidence, etc, but you can read for yourself the lawsuit HERE.

6 Thoughts on “Clearing the air about Danielson lawsuit

  1. Your completely sane Dan. It’s the rest of us that’s super crazy.

    The unraveling continues.

  2. “I trust these guys in South Dakota,” that’s what one caller said in reference to Jackley’s ability to fully investigate matters……Hahahahahahaha

    Yep, EB5 was a just a $ 2000 fine and GEAR-UP was just a Platte issue without Pierre being a part of it… Now that that is all cleared up, lets talk again about that bridge on 8th Street which I want to sell you….

  3. D@ily Spin on April 17, 2018 at 11:45 am said:

    Apparently there was an event that’s worthy of litigation. City government has made unsubstantiated claims Danielson disproved in court. How is Huether involved? If he attacked Bruce and the assault is not punished, the city becomes legal cage fighting at Carnegie Hall. Perhaps stadium seating could be added for the circular building design.

  4. I’m still mad that the story got barely any attention. This is egregious by definition. Violence and physical intimidation cannot be tolerated one single bit.

    I even said to someone the other day, I forgot about that time Bruce got pummeled.

    The local media barely reported it, and it is shameful that their morning fluff pieces about the Mayor at some Rodeo event get way more spread, focus, and attention.

  5. D@ily Spin on April 17, 2018 at 10:16 pm said:

    Keep your cell phones handy for video. We’re no longer sure about government when leaders can beat up on people and get away with it. The establishment we trusted has become a Nazi empire.

  6. Rachel on April 18, 2018 at 6:24 pm said:

    I wasn’t present to see what transpired but I’m generally a decent judge of character and Bruce seems like a good Apple. Bad apples..Huether shouldn’t get drunk in public…I was surprised and disappointed to see the low voter turnout in Sioux Falls.

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