FF: 2:19

Let’s say you are a city councilor and a deadly accident occurred in one of our city parks. Similar accidents have occurred over the years. Let’s also say that the public would like the issue looked into. As a representative of the citizens, wouldn’t you look into it? I would hope so. That is exactly what councilors Starr and Stehly have been trying to do. Than you find out that a safety audit never happened, it was actually a ‘training exercise’. Wouldn’t you be concerned about the information you were receiving? So Starr and Stehly asked for the information through a resolution. IMO, a last resort. When cooperation from staff was NOT helpful, they went to the media and my blog, sharing an OPINION of the city attorney. This IS NOT confidential information. It is simply an opinion of a city staffer who wages are paid for by the public, which makes it ‘public information’.

Some think that councilors Stehly and Starr do these kind of things to boost their egos. Maybe they do, I could care less. I really see their main objective is to get information to the public which should be one of their top duties as a city councilor. I really think Starr and Stehly understand that concept, that duty, and do whatever they need to, to attain that objective. They should be applauded for it. And that really is the irony of the ass chewing they received from the 6 other councilors. I think the public does appreciate Starr and Stehly, and when other councilors choose to publicly chastise her and Pat for doing their jobs, it only emboldens them and makes them even more popular with the citizens.

I recently spoke with 3 different council candidates on 3 separate occasions. Of the hundreds of doors they have knocked on collectively all 3 of them told me the #1 issue citizens bring up is transparency and secrecy in local government. Citizens are not naïve, they get it, this secrecy is corroding our local government. The secret siding settlement, the Copper Lounge Collapse and the approval of the DT Parking ramp has infuriated the public. They see the corruption and it is VERY real.

The other thing that was sad about the incident (Item#77, last agenda item Tuesday Night) was this seemed like an orchestrated effort by the 6 other councilors either thru a series of phone calls or emails to attack a fellow peer. One other thing that makes this hypocritical of them is while they cry about respect and decorum from the citizens who pay their wages who speak at public input, they throw any ounce of decorum out the window with this very public attack. I guess you could say ‘leading by example’.

I applaud Stehly for what she said in response to the attack, “I will not collaborate with corruption.” She also said she was elected to represent the citizens, not the administration or different department heads.

And the hits keep coming.

3 Thoughts on “Councilors Starr & Stehly receive a tongue lashing, for NO good reason

  1. Warren Phear on April 4, 2018 at 7:42 pm said:

    I recently spoke with 3 different council candidates on 3 separate occasions. Of the hundreds of doors they have knocked on collectively all 3 of them told me the #1 issue citizens bring up is transparency and secrecy in local government.

    Some say and think this plays to a very small vocal minority. I say it is the number 1 issue with SF voters.

  2. The D@ily Spin on April 5, 2018 at 10:01 am said:

    Transparency and secrecy are general context. The real problem is hidden agenda that benefits a few developers but mostly the mayor. The budget has become allowance for casual spending that citizens do not need or want. The 6400 whose voice was heard with a petition will be going to the polls. The out of state golf contract will get golfers there. McKennon Park (the big house) residents will be there. Anyone impacted by improper city zoning, citations, and annexation will be there. This election could be a big surprise. There should be lots of angry voter turnout that could be record volume.

  3. The D@ily Spin on April 5, 2018 at 10:12 am said:

    The biggest disaster in this city has been Mike Huether. The best prevention to put into practice is to replace Strong Mayor Charter.

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