Post navigation Council Candidate Soehl bows to the Sanford Altar UPDATE: Did TenHaken help Pat Powers cover up unethical behavior while employed as Deputy SOS?
The complex started when he turned eleven and his mom said he would always be a ten. Thus, a Shakespearean complex destine for tragic results. And what did he really mean when he gave Trump a “B?” Oh, how handy at times “mulligans” can be. Because they don’t count, but would they anyhow?
The complex started when he turned eleven and his mom said he would always be a ten. Thus, a Shakespearean complex destine for tragic results.
And what did he really mean when he gave Trump a “B?”
Oh, how handy at times “mulligans” can be. Because they don’t count, but would they anyhow?
That dew-rag!…