South DaCola

Pat Starr likely the next Vice Chair of Sioux Falls City Council

While we still have a city election going on this Tuesday, that doesn’t mean the council still hasn’t been discussing the future of leadership.

Obviously a major lynchpin will be the contest between DeBoer and Soehl in the central district, which I predict will be a close race. So close that I don’t think it will be decided on Tuesday because they may have to wait for absentees to return from the snowbirds because our current (Uncertified) City Clerk doesn’t know how to order printing in a timely manner. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

There are some obvious appointments;

Greg Neitzert will probably become chair of the Audit Committee, replacing Rex. He has wide support on the council for this position.

Erickson will probably roll into the Council Chair position with little to no opposition (she currently serves as Vice-Chair).

But where it might get sticky is the vice-chair position. As far as I know, Starr is the only one who has had interest in it. Stehly has expressed she is too busy in her personal business to be chair or vice-chair, and with Greg wanting the Audit chair position, he cannot serve in either of those positions, so it leaves Pat. New councilors tend to NOT get these appointments, and with councilor Selberg consistently sitting in the background, I can’t imagine he would be suited for the position or even want it.

Though council positions tend to be non-partisan, it will be really fun to watch a conservative Republican chair and progressive Democratic vice-chair serve together. Can’t wait to see the sausage this will produce.

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