Audit Committee Meeting, 4 PM Monday
External Audit Results from Eide Bailly
2018 Audit Plan
RFP Auditing Plan
Joint SF City Council/Minnehaha County Commission Meeting, 4 PM Tuesday
Update on Siouxland Museums Enterprise Funds
Change orders for archive building
Helpline Center Community Program Trends
City Council Informational Meeting, 4:30 Tuesday
Wastewater agreements with Tea and Harrisburg
Public Facility Consultant study. Honestly, I read this 90 page report and I am more confused now than before I read it. A lot of mumbo jumbo about population and attendance. I wonder how much we paid for that monstrosity; DOC:Â SF-Facility-Study
Executive Session. I have no clue what this is about.
The executive summary is far too long. There is no conclusions and recommendations section at the end of the report, which makes the brevity and clarity of the executive summary all the more important.
What I read is:
1) Arena – tear it down eventually, but not yet. Spend a couple of million for repairs and upgrades and target its use to events seating 2,000 – 4,000 attendees.
2) Convention Center – needs modernizing (audiovisual and acoustics, for example) and routine replacement of aging equipment & supplies. Improve food service and make it more flexible (food carts, for example). Limit smaller and other local use to short-notice reservations. This would free up dates to make it more available to larger events that would drive more room night and other revenue.
3) SF Stadium – not worth rehabilitation. Build a new stadium downtown.
4) Orpheum – ideas to have it managed separately from other venues will increase costs and increase its operating deficit. More funding will be needed to make this happen, so proceed with caution.
Wow! Wayland is ambitious. Realistically, what can be afforded given Huether runaway frivolous spending. The convention center has value for just that, subformats. Another stadium downtown, no. A city of 160k with so many minor league sports persuasions, maybe baseball plays where it is or doesn’t play at all.
No, Wyland isn’t ambitious. I’m just interpreting what I believe the study says in its executive summary. My own opinions and mileage
may vary.
I skipped forward in the facility study to the baseball stadium analysis. Twelve pages that do not say JACK about why baseball in SF is dead. Baseball in SF is dead because it has no past, and no future. All it has is the present. I was a huge baseball fan as a kid. PACKER baseball. Started in ‘64, lasted thru ‘71. Saw nearly all of their home games from 64 thru 67. Then, one went to a game knowing you were going to see future major league All Stars and even future Hall of Famers. I grew up a block away from the apartment future Hall of Famer Don Sutton stayed at while he pitched for the Packers. (Between 6th and 7th st on Lake Avenue) Got to talk baseball with him more than once while he lived there. Baseball is a game for fans with an eye for the decimal point. Batting average. Earned Run Average. If you love numbers, you love baseball. It also has got to have a past and a future to reference those decimal points to. Right now, SF baseball does not have that. They desperately need to be a minor league affiliate to a major league baseball team, just like they were when I was a kid. Til then all they will be doing is throwing good money after bad, don’t matter where it is at. This ain’t rocket science folks.
Agreed WP. With better promotion and a winning season, baseball would flourish. Certainly better than tennis or swimming.
also when they talk of the st paul saints getting a new stadium, they fail to mention the state of minnesota paid for that. try getting the state of sd to pay for the canaries stadium. you’d have a better chance of the state banning guns and giving away free abortions.