South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council votes to allow Sanford to ‘park’ a liquor license at their foundation house

So the dirty little secret comes out. Sanford Health has NO intention to use the liquor license at the foundation house, just to ‘park’ it there until they open another bar/restaurant at the sports complex.

So with so many people wanting a liquor license in town, to actually use, and generate tax revenue, the city council has allowed Sanford to actually SIT on a license, an organization that should be using all of their revenue to actually help the sick and dying instead buying up liquor licenses.

If you don’t think our city government hasn’t been bought and paid for by Sanford, you are one naive little turkey.

I was actually embarrassed that not one single councilor voted against it. I guess it is OK for a healthcare organization to horde liquor licenses but a family business owner can’t sell a Bud Light at a movie.

Shake my F’cking head.

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