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This is not uncommon for sitting elected officials to endorse other candidates. When Cynthia Mickelson was running for School Board, Erickson publicly endorsed her.

Either way, any elected official can endorse a candidate. It is well within their 1st Amendment rights and freedom of speech.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor Theresa Stehly endorses Janet Brekke”
  1. I agree!!! Brekke, a well educated former SF city attorney, is a candidate who will fight for transparency and apply common sense. She is very knowledgeable about the appropriate role and proper workings of the city council. She can bring enlightenment to the current malfunctioning swamp we call our city council. Clean out the SWAMP in our city council!!!
    Vote for Janet Brekke!!!!!!

  2. Scott,
    Today I got a Robo call from Bill Peterson endorsing Janet Brekke and I will endorse her right here, right now on your blog.

  3. Brekke is the best qualified of ALL the candidates on the ballot the election season!!!!

  4. I am endorsing Janet Brekke too and if the Lords of Sioux Falls will permit the other Knothead Peasants to take a break from their labors they can vote for her.

  5. I voted early for her. A background as city attorney will be invaluable. The next administration must return to legal due process and Roberts Rules.

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