South DaCola

South DaCola Predictions; The Huether Reign ended tonight!

Here’s a rundown of my predictions and how they turned out;

Voter turnout, Prediction: 27,000 voters, Actual: 32,000 voters (27%)

*Pretty close . . .

Mayoral Race, Prediction: Jamison 1st, TenHaken 2nd. Actual: TenHaken 1st, Loetscher 2nd.

*I always had Jo and Paul in a battle royal for 2nd place, just never thought they would make runoff together. Jamison and Entenman really came in lower than I ever thought. It was obvious the energy was behind Paul and Jo.

AT-Large ‘A’, Prediction: Brekke. Actual: Brekke.

*I figured Janet would win in a nail biter or clean house. She cleaned house.

AT-Large ‘B’, Prediction: (Did not make one). Actual: Erickson.

*I wish Nick would have least got 40%, but it is tough beating a popular incumbent.

Central District, Prediction: Soehl 1st, Bardon 2nd. Actual: DeBoer 1st, Soehl 2nd.

*While Bardon didn’t make it. Zach has always been my second choice. GO ZACH!

School Board, Prediction: Thoelke & Parker. Actual: Thoelke & Parker.

*This one should be no surprise. Todd and Kate have been on the school board for several years and are the incumbents. With the new school bond issue on the horizon, they are going to try to keep that board tight. I will give Peter credit though for putting an effort forward.

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