Forget about my legislative experience, let’s talk Bible.

It’s one thing to put out ads that are just blatantly false, but some of the candidates for the primary are just blatantly ridiculous. I wonder if the SD GOP has depended on SD voters being ignorant and naïve for so long, they just expect any crap they throw at the wall will work.

Let’s start with Shantel Krebs. She wants to ‘drain the swamp’ (still don’t know what that means) and build a wall. I won’t comment on Trumpian talking points, but seriously Shantel?! Build a wall?! Are we afraid too many Mexicans are coming here from Nebraska? Mexicans have been immigrating to the Midwest for over a century. Not sure how building a wall is even an issue in South Dakota. How about finding a way to increase wages in SD so the Mexican immigrants stop taking our jobs.

Let’s move on to Marty Jackboots, who seems to be talking out of both sides of his mouth lately, wait, he has always done that. In his ads he talks about keeping taxes low, than turns around and runs to DC to enforce South Dakotans have to pay online sales taxes. So which is it Jackboots? Let’s face it, sales taxes are extremely regressive, and as the economy continues to tank, more ways to bleed water out of a rock are not sustainable. It’s time to reduce sales taxes to luxury items only and implement a state income tax.

Oh, and who can leave out Princess Noem. Apparently she is qualified to be governor because in her latest ad her supporters say she believes in God and has figured out reproduction. This one actually confuses me. Instead of touting her DC experience and Pierre experience they talk about God and Sex. Weird.

I’m sure after the primary things are going to get even more strange.

6 Thoughts on “The SD Republican Party & their ‘Goofy’ ads

  1. the funniest one is where they talk about how family is sooo important to kristi. if it was that important, she would’ve stayed home the last 8 years to raise her kids.

  2. Rachel on April 25, 2018 at 12:11 pm said:

    I generally literally laugh out loud when the aforementioned candidates’ ads come on. Though sometimes I want to cry or vomit.

  3. Well, when you hate government and your only goal is to limit government to protect the interests of the 1%, then you are forced to find unique ways to get voters to vote for you, however…. Hence, the stupid Republican ads.

    But I would like to see an ad – and I think Dusty would be best for this one or could pull it off best – where Dusty rides Kristi’s horse out of a freight elevator, wearing Marty’s shorts, while holding Shantel’s snake from Reptile Gardens, and then gallops onto a “TED stage” to talk about his youthful qualities…. What do you think?

  4. scott on April 25, 2018 at 1:21 pm said:

    i chuckle at Dusty’s ad that says he’s committed. he was so committed to the puc that he quit right after he was elected. im surprised shantel hasn’t brought that up.

  5. Do you all remember the Kristi ad from 2010, when she was sitting around the table with her kids playing a board game and starts talking about the Federal deficit, then reassures her young son that she will doing something about that, that being the deficit? Well, speed forward 8 years later and she is a part of the biggest tax cut for the rich in history, which will cause massive Federal deficits in the next decade….. I guess she didn’t solve that one for her son, huh? Perhaps she should just stick to board games, because then it is just a game…. And one can only wonder what she would do to the State budget as Governor too, if given the opportunity.

  6. scott,

    He was probably committed to helping Dennis clean up Rounds’ EB5 mess as the new chief of staff….

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