South DaCola

Who will be the next chair and vice chair of Sioux Falls City Council?

Okay, I know, the dust hasn’t cleared yet, but the installation of the NEW council is right around the bend. First order of business will be electing a new Chair and Vice-chair. If tradition continues as usual, the vice-chair will likely be chair. Since Erickson won her re-election bid by a considerable amount, I expect her to be elected chair. But their has been upsets in the past. Could the new council be upset with Christine enough over the DT Parking ramp deal that they just elect a new person? Maybe.

The likely candidates are Selberg, Neitzert or Starr. Don’t expect Stehly or any of the new councilors to take on the position. If Erickson wins chair, I would like to see Starr as Vice-Chair. If Erickson gets booted, I would like to see Starr as chair and Neitzert as vice-chair.

I asked a city councilor today if there has been any background noise on the nominations and they told me they have heard nothing but they think Erickson will probably become chair. Depending on who rolls in on the Central District (GO ZACH!) you could see a major change up in leadership.

Lot’s of things to think about in the NEW ERA at Carnegie Hall.

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