The first thing on my list is going to be asking the new council and administration to pass an ordinance that will restructure the entertainment tax to give a percentage to local public art projects.

My hope would be to give around $1 million a year to the projects.

I would be adamant about using local independent artists, contractors and artisans. In fact it would have to be written into the program. NO one attached to other public art facilities or projects like the EC or Pavilion.

The projects would be for beautifying the city, like mini parks, murals, sculptures, gardens etc., in dead spaces around town.

Besides downtown a good place to start would be the gateway to Sioux Falls from the airport.

What’s on your wish list that would be revenue neutral?

6 Thoughts on “Wish list for new Council & Mayor

  1. Warren Phear on April 21, 2018 at 8:58 pm said:

    My wish list would be to finally have a majority council that respects the entire SF population, not just the monied class. With Janet Brekke in, and hopefully Zach DeBoer next week, this is possible.

  2. D@ily Spin on April 21, 2018 at 11:13 pm said:

    Phear has it, mostly. We need a charter that represents citizens and rule of law. Citizens don’t know what’s best for them but they provide the budget and they don’t deserve mayors who get rich from public funds.

  3. Hopeful on April 22, 2018 at 12:31 am said:

    A mayor who doesn’t hide behind excuses or twist words to his convenience so he can play the victim card, one who can own up when he screws up and moves forward with solutions.

  4. Janet Brekke benefited from grass roots backing during her campaign.

    Now she needs to prove with her Council votes that she is not an elitist.

  5. one person on April 22, 2018 at 4:47 pm said:

    “gateway to Sioux Falls from the airport.” – How about buses that bring people from the airport into the city? What kind of modern city has no public transportation from the airport?

  6. A City ordinance requiring all job posts to list the wage scale.

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