Last year I found out that you cannot hang a sign on a business unless you are a certified sign installer with the city (There is a yearly licensing fee) And this isn’t just signs that require electrical hookup, this is any permanent sign. A downtown business owner told me that after having one of his employees make a custom wood sign for his business (no electrical or lighting) he was NOT allowed to hang it himself, he had to pay a certified sign installer to bolt it to his building. I guess drilling a couple of holes and holding a level requires a special license.
Now the city is considering a pipe in a statue’s hand as a ‘sign’
Initially, city officials told him that according to zoning rules there wasn’t sufficient square footage on the property for the addition of the fiberglass statue. He hired a lawyer to work through that issue, but he couldn’t get the city to budge on another one: Mr. Bendo will go up without the pipe in his hand because that makes him a sign and the business already has one.
“I’ve never heard anything so dumb in my life,†Wallenstein said.
That’s because code enforcement under Former Mayor Bowl Cut & Buck Teeth didn’t want to allow people to have anything that looked out of place or to kitsch. That’s why people were getting tickets for 8.5″ grass, including a city councilor.
Some on FB have suggested they dress up Mr. Bendo. One person said they should make him into a Pirate. I have suggested they make a giant dress for him and have him in drag. Or put a bullwhip in his hand and a bondage ball in his mouth. Let’s see what code enforcement says than?
Look at what he did to that metal. He must have quite the “tool bag.” And he’s unshaven just like our Mayor too….
There use to be a Wild Bill Cody statute just like Mr. Bendo, which was located right across the street from Mr. Bendo’s new location on south Minnesota Avenue. I think the place was called the ‘Trading Post’ (Before the “Heap Big Beef” days). They should bring him back. I heard he is just lying around anyhow. We could turn the area into a tourist destination… “Great Faces, Great Places…..”
Face him toward city hall and form his hand into the sign of ‘The Finger’?
How about a “Goldfinger” with a Midas touch……?
So stupid. Without the bent piece of pipe he looks like he is doing the Nazi salute! It is also why he is called Mr. Bendo! Good grief
Leave Mr. Bendo alone,
He has a really big bone,
He would charge no fare
to show a new Mayor,
Something to make him moan
If such a Mayor doesn’t want to see
The hose from where Bendo goes pee,
He can turn out the light
and pretend that it’s night,
No license, no tax and no fee.