We’ve all seen it. A city employee driving a city vehicle and talking on their cell phone (I have even seen them running a snowplow and smoking while talking on a cell phone – now that’s talent!)

While I haven’t given it much thought, because I talk on my phone while driving, even though I try not to, I wondered what the city policy on this is. I would think that it would be OK if they were conducting city business, I guess it is NOT permitted unless it is an emergency situation.

According to city policy;

    1. Mobile phones or any other electronic device, City-owned and personal, shall not be used (including calls, text messages, email, social media, and any Internet usage) while operating vehicles or equipment while on City business, except for communications by Police and Fire personnel when it is not practical to stop the vehicle due to performance of their duties and Public Works/other City employees involved in snow removal operations.


The use of tobacco products by City employees and customers, contractors, or others doing City business is prohibited in all City-owned and City-shared buildings, facilities, vehicles, parking lots, equipment, worksites, and walkways leading into City facilities.

I want the city council to think about this the next time they want to put more regulations on us.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Is it okay for city employees to talk on cell phones while driving city vehicles?”
  1. I want to know more about this guy who was plowing, puffing, and phoning. He sounds like a time traveler, because if you ask me there is a direct correlation between plowing, puffing, and landlines…. but not with cell phones…

  2. Are there any regulations on the city employed drivers showing butt crack while walking around on the city streets. I saw one smoking and scratching his hinder once. Good thing he wasn’t driving because both hands were occupied.

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