South DaCola

Is it time to end Sioux Falls open enrollment?

One of the more astonishing things to come out of the facilities task force meetings is that the Sioux Falls school district has 1,200 students that don’t live in our district. Those students parents are NOT contributing to our property tax base that helps fund education. That could be millions in extra expenditures to educate out of district students.

I have never been a fan of open enrollment anyway even if your parents pay taxes within the district. If you want your kids to go to a certain school, than you should live in the boundaries of that school. It’s not rocket science.

As some have pointed out from the school district, open enrollment has caused segregation. Not just in diversity or culture but in economic status. All of our schools should have equal amounts of  economic, social and cultural students. I actually think it is better for students to learn about other cultures at an early age, not only can immigrant students learn from natural born students but vice versa. I think it makes for a more well rounded education.

I think while the school district is studying about what kind of facilities they want to build they should consider ending open enrollment, especially allowing students from out of the district to come to school here.

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