There’s a rumor swirling around that our new mayor’s administration is fiddling with the idea of ‘Re-Branding’ Sioux Falls. I can understand why there may be a push to do this. There are way too many different silly logos (Publisher Clipart) for all the departments, some old, some new, some don’t have one and others like Water Reclamation could probably care less.
If this attempt is made, let me suggest something I learned a long time ago in design, the KISS theory, Keep it Simple Stupid.
While I think the city seal could use a little polishing up to make it more clean, I don’t think we need to re-invent the wheel here, and we should probably keep it classic and historical and not go to modern. My suggestion above would work nicely. Each department would have the same logo with a byline defining the department. That’s it.
The government itself shouldn’t be in the business of marketing itself. People know it exists, that’s why we have reminders like elections and taxes. If the CVB and Chamber want to have some fancy logo for bringing in Tourism, have at it, but the city itself as a functioning government doesn’t need to go there.