South DaCola

The NEW Council looks a little like the OLD Council

So you would think after the first meeting of our new mayor my barbs would be flying towards Paul. Nope. He did a fine job, even reading a proclamation to a non-existent recipient. And how could he go wrong with a bouquet of flowers in front of him from Stehly’s garden?

In the appointment category, the council did move forward by nominating and electing councilor Brekke to the operations committee. Brekke’s first course of business should be opening the meetings to the public.

The big disappointment of the night? The council towing the old way of doing things and electing Selberg (rubber stamper) to the vice-chair position. Selberg has done nothing for two years except warm a chair, and that is what they wanted, a yes man. While I will try to stay optimistic, I’m afraid this move was a way to keep things just the way they are, leadership embargoing information from ‘certain’ councilors, the public and the media.

They know if Starr would have had that position he would have actually embraced open government and shared leadership information with the rest of the council, the public and media. Oh we can’t have that, can we.

Status quo right on day one. You should be so proud of yourself Councilor Neitzert. We wouldn’t want to overturn the apple cart.

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