Tim and Kay campaigned across the state, from Brookings to Custer and many points in between in the past week!

Tim spent most of a day in Lake Andes where he was Tim Whalen’s guest and addressed the Laker Club and also joined them for lunch. He also spent time in the area communities of Dante, Dimock, Ravinia, and Wagner.

Tim and Kay attended a meet and greet at Mama Mia restaurant in Brookings. A large, enthusiastic crowd – including many professors from SDSU and community leaders – came to show support for Tim, listen to him speak, and share their views. It was a great evening! We owe a debt of gratitude to organizers Lee Ann Pierce and Barb Hawley, among others, for all their hard work, and to all the many hosts!

The first day of a western campaign swing, Tim, Kay and second-oldest son John were in White Lake, Kennebec, Kadoka, and Custer.

Thanks to the White Lake Cafe for hosting us!

In Kennebec Tim met with area businessmen who shared with him the current challenge entrepreneurs all across America face as they deal with workforce shortages.

The lack of access for many to affordable healthcare plays a key role in South Dakota’s worker shortage, because so many live with untreated mental illness and addiction that keep them from working. It also contributes to a host of other societal ills: fragile homes, child abuse, and skyrocketing prison populations.

We won’t move forward as a state and nation until we begin to address these underlying problems and learn to treat addiction more like the national epidemic it is than a felony, and until we learn to offer hope to young addicted felons in the form of an education and a job skill rather than a prison sentence.

The following day in Custer Tim spoke at the Rocky Knolls Golf Course in front of a full house of the Custer County Democrats gathered for the 30th Roosevelt-McGovern Day Rally!

The 90+ in attendance appeared to appreciate his direct and clear message on this election as a test of our values as Americans, and the choice we have to invest in the lives of our neighbors in education, healthcare, good jobs, and affordable housing, or continue the failed trickle-down approaches. Many people commented on his refreshing candor and his clear plan to work for actual change in Washington instead of joining the broken congressional system in place. Enthusiasm was sustained throughout the event, with Tim receiving standing ovations both before and after his speech! It was great to be with the Custer County Dems and some Republicans who joined us there also! As we say wherever we go, Tim’s message has an appeal that crosses party lines.

The next stop was Hot Springs, with its beautiful sandstone buildings, for a radio interview and main street campaigning.

By l3wis

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