South DaCola

Will a Sioux Falls Flag finally get approved by the City Council?

Now that the Former Mayor is gone running half marathons (or at least running them but not finishing?) will the new mayor and city council finally approve a city flag?

While the above design seems to be the favorite, I personally think the submission process should start over. First off, it should be open to ONLY Sioux Falls residents, artists and designers. Secondly the flag selection should be made by a committee made up of local artists, designers, architects and other scholarly folks who are experts in their fields.

While the past submissions had to follow strict criteria in flag design (color, etc.) the current proposed design was picked unscientifically by an online internet vote. This is NO way to select something that will be used for generations as our city’s flag.

I’m all for a city flag, but let’s start over.

My submission below represents the bright prairie South Dakota sun (but by using a darker blue it also could represent a full moon), our spacious skies and the falls of the Big Sioux.

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