South DaCola

After 90% of the Public said to leave public input as is, city council votes against them

FF 18:00 for beginning of meeting.

2018-06-12  Sioux Falls Council Meeting - 2731

Councilors Kiley, Selberg, Soehl and Neitzert voted for moving it, Brekke, Starr and Stehly voted it down. Erickson was absent (she supports moving it).

There was over 35 people and two hours of testimony tonight to keep public input as is. Only TWO people spoke against it, one was a former public employee (Former School Superintendent) and a former county commissioner, legislator and city commissioner, Anne Hajek. Go figure, right? NO business people showed up to speak against it, in fact two well known businessmen Craig Lloyd and Tom Walsh argued to leave it as is, just to work on controlling the decorum.

Councilor Stehly read an email from former mayor Munson who also said to leave it as is, but control it better.

The way I look at this, it will only make the meetings longer, you watch . . .

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