While Sioux Falls is the smallest in population to the comparable cities in the region and has the least number of employees, 7 out of 22 directors make the most money. Sioux Falls also is the ONLY city listed that has a Chief Medical Officer (that is not counted).

Aprox Population

Omaha – 470,000

Lincoln – 260,000

Des Moines – 215,000

Sioux Falls – 180,000


Aprox Number of city employees

Omaha -2244

Lincoln -1967

Des Moines – Over 6,000 (I’m having trouble confirming this number, I wonder if this includes temp and PT and some cross over into the suburbs and county)

Sioux Falls – 1202


Director Pay (Yearly salary based on approximates from 2015-2018 rounded up to nearest 1000th)

SF-2018, Lincoln-2016-2017, OMAHA-2015-2017, Des Moines – 2015-2017


HR Director

Omaha –$153K

Des Moines – $160

Sioux Falls – $147K

Lincoln – $140K


Public Parking Super

Omaha – $91K

Lincoln – NA

Des Moines – NA

Sioux Falls – $82K


Street Director

Omaha – $93K

Lincoln – $84K

Des Moines – $101K

Sioux Falls – $125K


Light/Utility Super

Omaha – NA

Lincoln – $136K

Des Moines – NA

Sioux Falls – $94K


Health Director

Omaha – NA

Lincoln – $114K

Des Moines – NA

Sioux Falls – $159K


Chief Medical Officer

Omaha – NA

Lincoln – NA

Des Moines – NA

Sioux Falls – $215K


Chief City Attorney

Omaha – $190K

Lincoln – $136K each (2 Positions)

Des Moines – $180K (Two Positions, equal pay)

Sioux Falls – $157K


Public Works

Omaha – $170K

Lincoln – $136K

Des Moines – $156K

Sioux Falls – $186K


Police Chief

Omaha – $196K

Lincoln – $131K

Des Moines – $170K

Sioux Falls – $129K


Parks Director

Omaha – $86K

Lincoln – $123K

Des Moines – $143K

Sioux Falls – $159K


Library Director

Omaha – (multiple divided into regions)

Lincoln – $102K

Des Moines – $170K

Sioux Falls – $116K


Planning Director

Omaha – $155K

Lincoln – $91K

Des Moines – $139K

Sioux Falls – $147K


Maintenance/Custodial Director

Omaha – $104K

Lincoln – $85K

Des Moines – NA

Sioux Falls – $72K


Finance Director

Omaha – $157K

Lincoln – $136K

Des Moines – $152K

Sioux Falls – $179K


IT/Central Services

Omaha – $126K

Lincoln – $133K

Des Moines – $141K

Sioux Falls – $147K


Water Reclamation/Sewer Director

Omaha – $101K

Lincoln – $113K (Does Water Production and Sewer)

Des Moines – $141K

Sioux Falls – $124K


Water Department Super

Omaha –NA

Lincoln – SEE ABOVE (Does Water Production and Sewer)

Des Moines – NA

Sioux Falls – $115K


City Clerk

Omaha – $108K

Lincoln – $84K

Des Moines – $120K

Sioux Falls – $90K


Community Development/Urban

Omaha – $107K (combined with Housing – see below)

Lincoln – $107K

Des Moines – $135K

Sioux Falls – $126K



Omaha – (combined with above)

Lincoln – NA

Des Moines – $135

Sioux Falls – $79K


City Engineer

Omaha – NA

Lincoln – (Public works director – see above)

Des Moines – $157K

Sioux Falls – $131K


Fire Chief

Omaha – $205K

Lincoln – $131K

Des Moines – $155K

Sioux Falls – $126K (Previous was $146K)


Landfill director

Omaha – NA

Lincoln – $109K

Fargo – NA

Sioux Falls – $95K

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Director Pay Comparisons to Sioux Falls”
  1. For a city the size of Sioux Falls, 12 directors is to many. Some duties could be combined with say 8 directors instead. What never made sense to me is Parking Director. Can’t this be merged into Streets Director? It’s time to take away Parks Director and make it part of Public Works. Salary wise, it’s cheaper to live here than Omaha or Des Moines. Compensation is to high. Post Huether, TenHaken could realize there must be cuts and reorganization to recover from flamboyant spending and to guarantee bond payment responsibility.

  2. How did this city go from 5 commissioners to 12 directors when the population increased only a third? To many chiefs, not enough Indians.

  3. I have to wonder, what does a parking director do one a day to day basis?

    I think the idea to restructure has some merit.

    the city likes to hire consultants for everything else, why not look at this.

    We need to get the actual number of hours we get out of the chief medical officer made public. taxpayers would be up in arms.

    Combine housing, community development, and parking into one. If you put a worker in there instead of a political figurehead (yes Darrin Smith I’m talking about you) one person can do all three jobs.

    The directors have enjoyed 8 years of 6% to 10% raises while the employees got around 2% every year during that time. It’s the directors turn for 0% to 2% raises until they are back inline with where they need to be.

  4. Take out the police and fire protection and the city has about 700 fulltime employees. Now, factor in the 400 plus part time, no benefits employees. 400 plus, cannot work more than 28 hours a week with no benefits. Zilch. Nada. No, they are not just college kids looking for summer time employment. They are mostly like you and me, chasing that carrot on a string the city dangles in front of them. All they want is a full time job with benefits. But no. This city is way too top heavy with mid level management jobs. How many jobs does this city have that pay 80k plus? Too damn many.

  5. If the wages were taken off the city website, keep in mind it does not reflect “up to” 4% matching into a 457 account the city does for all management positions. So, for example, the IT director base salary listed at $147K would actually be $152,880…caveat being they decided to participate in the program (not mandatory) but, who wouldn’t.

    Yes only management is worthy of the matching benefit because of all the extra work they do! :0)
    The regular minions can participate in the program but do not get the 4% matching.

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