As if we don’t have enough golf courses in the Sioux Falls metro area, we have to have an indoor facility with a full service bar and restaurant;

The full-service restaurant and bar will be supported by well-known golf hospitality company Troon. The company has experience with golf entertainment businesses and recently helped launch a similar concept in Texas, where it runs a full-service sports bar and grill.

One more reason I never go to the Sports Complex.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “I guess Sanford is ‘parking’ their liquor license for this”
  1. Does Sanford know that alcoholism is a disease? And that by owning a liquor license, they are an enabler to this disease?…. And that health care systems are suppose to work to rid us of diseases and not spread them?….

    For Sanford to have a liquor license makes about as much sense as for a seminary to have strippers on retainer for finals week…. Because they’re both stress removers, right?

    Now my last comment was a little harsh, but there’s a lot of truth to it…

    Has Sanford become so big, that they can do anything? I think that many already know the answer to that question. But will there bigness make us really better off? When are Sanford, and Avera too, going to open an institute for preventive medicine which rivals all of their other agendas?…. You know, prevention is cheaper for the consumer, its safer, and it is not an enabler to an unhealthy life style, but I guess as long as health care systems have liquor licenses, then life styles must not mean much to them, but they should….

  2. At the sanford sports complex, sanford health is not into preventative medicine. Reactive? Yes. Preventive? No way. How many hundreds of concussions have been rendered in the few short years of the sanford youth football fields? The pentagon has already sponsored several MMA events. Want just a glimmer of what that is like?

  3. One of the biggest contributors to lower back issues is golf. Sanford will get you drunk and help you break your back so they can let their back doctors “fix it”

  4. Kelby made and interesting comment;

    “We’re working with the Sioux Falls School District. They’ll be bringing a high school just a quarter of a mile down the road on our property. We hope to have a championship football and championship baseball stadium here,” Kelby Krabbenhoft said.

    The SFSD hasn’t made a recommendation yet on where to build the new HS, but it seems it really doesn’t matter because Sanford already made the decision for them.

  5. The SFSD hasn’t made a recommendation yet on where to build the new HS, but it seems it really doesn’t matter because Sanford already made the decision for them.

    OR, it appears the SFSD may have already indicated to Krabbenhoft that Sanford’s land donation will ultimately be accepted by the district.

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