UPDATE: Mayor TenHaken will be on Lalley at 4 PM today to talk about compromise.
Paul is offering these compromises to Public Input, and as I understand it they will be on Tuesday’s agenda for amendments;
A compromise will show unity and leadership by you as council and I would encourage you to bring forward an amendment or new ordinance as follows:
- Public input stays in the current spot on the agenda.
- Provide thirty minutes for general public input unrelated to first and second reading of items.
- Three minutes of allotted time per speaker during public input.
- The meeting chair has the discretion to allow first time speakers and those who speak infrequently to approach the podium before those who are frequent public input speakers.
- Public input will be encouraged on first readings of ordinances. This should not extend the length of meetings as it will likely cut down the time of input on second readings and shift it to first readings, plus public input is often for first reading items.
- Cards will be available for the public to provide written comment in case there is not enough time for them to approach the Council or they would prefer to write the council rather than publicly address the group. The meeting chair shall direct these individuals to use the cards as needed and provide their contact information. Contact cards for the Council should also be available for constituents to contact them.
- Electronic presentations using the Chamber audio/visual equipment will no longer be allowed. If citizens need a visual for the Council, they may distribute paper copies not exceeding 11×17 inches in size.
Most of it I don’t have an issue with, except #7. But that isn’t the real problem here, the real issue is not having a public conversation about it.