South DaCola

McKennan Park House Demo

2018-06-07 Bye-Bye Big Yellow House - Livestream

Cameraman Bruce got an emergency call to show up at 7:30am to McKennan Park to start recording the Sioux Falls, SD Big Yellow House go to the Ground. I took 4 hours but it is not more. The heavy equipment operators did an amazing job controlling the destruction on June 7, 2018.

No one is a winner in this mess. The house was a well built, very nice addition to the right neighborhood, just not where it ended up. This has been traumatic to the neighbors and the entire neighborhood. This stuff divides communities and it has done it here.

There are many of us who know who should take a major chunk of blame in this mess, the former mayor and his administration. They could have setup the federal historic standards system properly to protect this and other similar neighborhoods including downtown.

The full 4 hour 5 camera recording will be posted separated in another.

The city of Sioux Falls caused all of this to happen. Period.

DaCola’s Note: I drove by at about 11 AM and there were about 50 people standing and watching from McKennan Park. Some kid should have sold lemonade, could of made a fortune.


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