South DaCola

Samantha Bee should be fired as soon as they fire Rush, Hannity and all the other bigot conservative talking heads

Here we go again, a liberal (comedian) calls Ivanka Trump a female body part and the conservative talking heads are freaking out.

First off, I watch Sam’s show. I like it, she has good writers and she has good delivery. I also liked her on the Daily Show and was glad she got her own show. I will admit though, if you are conservative or don’t like potty mouths DON’T WATCH IT. If you think Sam saying the ‘C’ word is over the top you obviously don’t watch her show. I’m sure she drops about 5-6 F-Bombs per episode and a lot of other words you are not going to hear on regular TV.

As for comparing her to Roseanne is far-fetched. First off, as I have pointed out, this is what Sam does, and has from the beginning, she is a liberal slant comedian who hates Trump. She REALLY hates him, and she has writers who run the script through producers. While her use of the English language was VILE, it wasn’t racist, maybe a little sexist, but not racist. I think it is pretty clear when you are a celebrity white person and you call a black person an ‘ape’ that is racist. A female calling another female a body part is NOT racist.

But lastly, what sticks in my craw about all this is that Rush and Hannity and all the other conservative talking heads (who are NOT scripted and NOT comedians) say racist crap non-stop, everyday! Rush has been doing it for over 20 years! I remember, I used to have to listen to him when I worked Saturday’s at KWSN part-time. I would play ‘the best of the week’ reel. He made me ill than, and continues to make me ill. He is a disgusting, bigot, POS, pig and should have been fired years ago.

Some on the right may say the problem with our country (no pun intended) are comedians like Samantha when in fact our country has gone down the racist rabbit hole because we have let people like Rush spew their BS Hate for far too long.

If you want Sam to quit or get fired for her comments, than we need to go down the line and get rid of Rush and the rest of his ilk.

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