South DaCola

UPDATE: Sioux Falls School Board to release survey (Push Poll) tommorrow

UPDATE: I guess the media gets access to the survey results before the public does. READ HERE.

The results certainly are the result of a push poll. Still curious how many postcards were sent out. 3700 respondents.

This should be good, how does a (online) survey turnout when you don’t have a ‘undecided’ category? I guess we will find out;

School Board Meeting Kate Parker
Wednesday, June 27, 2018  3:00 P.M.
Instructional Planning Center
Dr. Brian L. Maher
201 E. 38th Street, Sioux Falls
Superintendent of Schools


  1. Call to Order
  2. Community Survey Results  (Exhibit)
  3. Final Projects Selection for Bond Referendum  (Exhibit)
  4. Committee Assignment Reports
  5. Adjournment
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