By l3wis

4 thoughts on “NRA, Your time is up.”
  1. The NRA should recruit a Stormy Daniels type. There’s a much better spokesmodel than the dumb Russian redhead. I can’t listen to a cold chunky brunette with a one minute hour glass. Bring back the buxom bouncing bikini babes firing machine guns? How do I convert my VHS to DVD or streaming?

  2. I wonder what “sparrow hunters” think of all of this? And can you really hunt a sparrow, or does the “sparrow” actually hunt you?…..And having Russians advocating gun rights is kind of like having Trump lovers advocate amnesty for foreigners, don’t you think?….


  3. NRA is in a losing battle. The youth are being liberalized in public schools by Unionized Teachers. Send in the NRA (New Russian Agent). It doesn’t take much to sway a Christian with a swinging dick to give up everything… Idiots! And Trump was worried about Transgender’s in the Military? Bassackwards…

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