South DaCola

State’s report on TIFs lacks ‘economic impact’ data

Maybe it isn’t in the report, because there is very little economic impact from TIFs, they NEVER pay for themselves in JOBS created and take money from school funding, something we need in SF instead of bonding.

As you can see from the Sioux Falls TIFs a lot tax rebates with little evidence of a benefit to the public; 2017TIFAnnualReport-SF

Here is the entire statewide report; 2017TIFAnnualReport

As you can see, a lot of property tax revenue being given to wealthy developers in the guise of ‘economic development’. If TIF’s truly worked, why not give them to EVERY developer? It’s a sad day when the school district has to have a bond vote when they could easily pay down the bonds with property tax revenue that wasn’t tied up into TIFs.

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