South DaCola

Stink Factory is going to get more Stinky

Oh joy, more hog barns by our biggest tourist attraction!

The Virginia-based company has received a building permit for a $12.5 million expansion to the Sioux Falls plant for a holding barn addition. That follows a $2 million holding barn addition permit filed in May.

And that is what brings the tourists in!

When turning the corner to enter the cafe we walked into a thick, and pungent wall of odor emanating from the business across the street. I grew up in southwestern MN and have had my fair share of brushes with pig farming and even helped feed pigs at one time, but this was on a whole other level.

Never in my life have I been hit so hard with pig manure odor that I almost gagged! We quickly entered the cafe, but upon losing any sense of hunger we each held our breath and made a dash out of the cafe! (Some advice, do not hold your breath after breathing in an awful smell as it only increases the difficulty of getting that odor out of your throat and nose.) Falls park is an extremely wonderful experience for the senses, it would just be nice if one of the senses could be taken down a notch!

And that’s what keeps the visitors coming back, as my stepfather would say “Smells like money.”

I have often argued if we are ever going to re-develop our Downtown we need to eliminate the train traffic, JM’s and the Prison.

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