Remember just a couple of months ago, what we were told? You can treat an Ash tree for around $150-$200 a tree depending on the size. Well, I guess some people in the business decided that was not enough.

I have been hearing from foot soldiers that some people have been quoted between $500-$800 per treatment. Some have even been told that the treatment has to be done EVERY year.

I have a foot soldier working on getting the actual COST of the pesticides used to treat the tree for me. Obviously there is labor, equipment, licensing, etc. involved.


• Use a local company with experience, proper licensing, etc.

• Get references.

• Have them categorize what they charging for the chemicals, the labor, equipment, etc.

• Get several estimates.

• Make sure the treatment will last for two years.

• Most importantly, find out what it will cost to remove the tree now instead spending money to treat it. Something that I will probably do instead of treating my sole Ash tree.

I warned you, the scammers are literally coming out of the woodwork.

By l3wis

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