Remember when I was talking about the $200K parks study in the consent agenda? Well guess what? It was NOT in the 2018 budget. See, technically anything in the consent agenda it must be in the budget the year before. Somehow the Parks department decided to ‘scrounge’ money from other projects to come up with the $200K. That is not how it is supposed to work.

Last night at the council meeting, councilor Pat Starr thankfully pulled the item out of the consent agenda and had it deferred so the Parks Director could explain 1) where he got the money 2) why it wasn’t budgeted for in the proper process 3) why do they need this study.

Bravo Starr!

We will be hearing about the study in an upcoming informational . . . this outta be good.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “$200K Magically Appears on Consent Agenda”
  1. This goes on in almost every city department, just not for such an obvious amount usually.

    One thing Huether changed which made unapproved spending worse: he allowed departments to spend unused payroll dollars towards unbudgeted equipment and supplies. It should have gone back to the general fund.

    This led to a feeding frenzy every year with people buying all sorts of “wish list” items that weren’t needed.

  2. Boy, can’t everyone realize the Parks Director is incompetent. One of the guys operating a string trimmer could do a better job.

  3. I get the impression that the Parks Director is sneaky and slimy. When will the mayor replace him?

  4. Do we still have the “scrap metal fund,” which was started under Knobe? I am sure that came in handy from time to time. Because you never know when you might need money for a ‘Slushy.’

    And how is any of this legal, and how is any of this any different than when Munson spent money which had never been authorized by the Council, which then got him in some trouble?

    Oh, and they don’t call it the “Parks Department” for nothing, obviously. Because it must be a good place to park money, huh?….. 😉


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