Bravo to the Local Union for calling out CITI;

Kooper Caraway, Sioux Falls AFL-CIO President says Citi isn’t answering any of the questions, as to where these jobs are being transferred.

“Basically what we want is the attention of the South Dakota congressional delegation, we want them to support and sign on to legislation that speaks to limit big banks and big cooperations to send American jobs and particularly South Dakota jobs overseas,” he said.

They made their money here. They got a huge Federal bailout. And now they are leaving. Billy Bob Janks cooked up this scheme years ago and there was nothing holding their feet to the fire.

4 Thoughts on “CITI used us and moved on

  1. So what is the new building under construction for?

  2. D@ily Spin on August 15, 2018 at 3:08 pm said:

    Banks and Unions are like oil and water. When there’s union control, they’ll keep a point of presence here with minimal management but move call center factories where people work for less and there’s no union.

  3. JKC – As I understand it, for pencil pushing execs.

  4. Citibank will never leave South Dakota. Well, at least not in name. South Dakota’s lack of political sophistication and its one party status makes it easy for a major bank, like that, to use SD for its liking as well as any future endeavors too.

    It is also my understanding, which is an interesting factoid, that South Dakota oversees more banking capital than any other state in the nation. It’s a great state to be chartered in and all the more reason Citibank will never leave, but the jobs might continue to leave.

    No doubt too, that the employment numbers at the current Citibank complex in Sioux Falls have dwindled over the years, yet the local media has been aloof to that reality for some reason… 😉

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