South DaCola

Don’t bring snakes to public festival

You thought the people who leave guns in unlocked cars were idiots? Well they had some people top them over the weekend.

There is a reason JazzFest bans dogs/pets. Your dogs don’t want to be there, it’s hot, it makes them nervous and they could hurt someone or another dog. But some people don’t seem to get the message at DTSF festivals. The dogs were on display once again. Several barking at each other, some hiding under picnic tables in fear and some so hot and miserable it was pathetic.

But besides the ignoramus dog owners, there were a couple of guys that decided it was OK to bring their Pythons to Riverfest around thousands of people. When one of the guys walked past me, I just turned to him and said, “You are an idiot.” I guess there would be no other way to describe them.

While I am not scared of pet snakes, many people have extreme phobias, and with all the dogs down there, it was a recipe for disaster.

It was obvious these clems were trying to get attention by dragging their snakes to Riverfest but next time I highly suggest you leave them at the trailer park with your other exotic pets, Keystone beer and X-Box games.

I encourage DTSF to implement a NO pets policy from now on at ALL of their festivals because apparently some people are too stupid to realize you don’t bring snakes to public festivals.

You wonder how some people make it through life.

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