We are going to have 13 precincts and hand count a $300 million dollar tax increase;

5. Amending Previous School Board Action

    Bev Chase 367-7905

Amending Action 38091, adopted 7-23-18, by acknowledging for the record that the Board has directed the administration to designate the whole District as one precinct, use 13 Vote Centers for the Special Bond Election and further stating for the record that the administration will count the votes manually

This is beyond ludicrous. The School Board should be embarrassed they would ask voters for this large of a tax increase with 13 precincts and no record of tabulation by using a machine.

7 Thoughts on “Fix is In; Sioux Falls School District plans to ‘Hand Count’ $300 Million Bond Election

  1. Reliable Voter on August 13, 2018 at 12:20 pm said:

    Bad faith on the Board’s part. I’m voting no.

  2. I support bonding for new schools, there is NO other way to fund them, but, I believe the missteps and lack of fiscal prudence is awful.

    We should first re-district, STOP open enrollment from other communities and stop open enrollment within the district. Once we see the REAL numbers, we can than identify where the new schools need to be built, and whether or not we can just expand existing facilities. I really believe we could cut the costs in half if we did it this way.

    I also think the election should be held with the General to get the maximum number of property tax paying registered voters deciding this bond. I don’t care about what the kids or teachers think or even parents who are not registered to vote. This is about what the taxpayers think.

  3. Theodore on August 13, 2018 at 12:35 pm said:

    How many precincts are open for a general election?

  4. 13 precincts means the District has blinked and are beginning to recognize the former “Super Precincts” don’t meet the convenience standard set out by state law for elections. It’s a good start, but let us get back to using all of the precincts, however.

    As far as counting ballots by hand, well, at least there is a paper trail. There also needs to be members of the media as well from the pro and con camps on this issue at the count as well.

  5. T- I think in the primary there was 56 precincts. Not sure if that is the exact number, but I do know it is over 45.

  6. D@ily Spin on August 13, 2018 at 1:57 pm said:

    For 300 million you could build an events center and TIF a few hotels. It’s a lot of money. Maybe it’s Pesos. A manual vote count insinuates elections are rigged. I always assumed so.

  7. I took a phone call yesterday from a pro push-poll caller on the opt out. I told him I was inclined to vote for it if they would re-district first, then he tried to make me feel guilty about the present over crowding at some of the schools.

    Besides the cost, I don’t like the idea that they are not re-districting first. Because by holding back on that one, it potentially protects the elite or affluent in this town by allowing them to keep the lower populated schools even after eventual re-districting, while the other schools will just receive some slack at best, which will probably be short term too, the slack that is…

    Let’s re-district first, I say, then we can find out what we really need in terms of new schools without wasteful spending.


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