I will first say, there are still things that concern me about Mayor Paul. I’m still trying to figure out his relationship with his staff. I still think he should have given Legacy the boot on the Village project and I still think he needs to give some directors the boot.
That all aside, I have been impressed with his different leadership style. He doesn’t seem to like the spotlight. I like that. I think in government modesty and a humble approach to your job is always best. You are there to serve.
In the video above, I am really excited he took an idea I threw at him early on in his administration at public input about working with the county(s) and school district.
As for public input, I’m glad he wrangled this in and didn’t let it get changed drastically. In fact, public input couldn’t be better (mostly due to the new state law) that allows public input at all public meetings and 1st readings.
But for the most part I have to give Paul props for running the meetings with respect, openness and allowing the city council to debate the issues without being cutoff.
Trust me, I know everyone thinks I am a Negative Nancy trying to find problems with his administration, and also trust me, I am constantly watching. But I will say this, Paul has been doing a pretty good job so far and that isn’t just me talking. I hear it a lot from citizens, and that really is the proof in the pudding.
He’s in a good position.
Almost anything he does is going to be an improvement over the last guy.
I do however agree with you, he does need to do a bit more housekeeping to clean out some of the leftovers from the previous ego-driven, all sales and no substance administration.
Am I on the right site? Praise for the mayor hasn’t been around since before Munson. Yes, he has an appropriate leadership style. It’s to bad Huether misappropriated budgets and knocked down city credit worthiness. TenHaken could have done wonders for infrastructure and welfare with what Huether wasted. I still have doubts about city partnership in another parking ramp. However, the city in the middle of the North American continent should be known for something. Parking garages, so be it.
Careful now, don’t be an enabler to an articulate and attractive spokesman for the 1%…
JKC, trust me, I have a thing called the ‘Scott files’. It’s something that is mostly in my head, but other documents that I keep. I’m not totally sold yet, and may never be. PTH will trip up. It’s a matter of time. Until than I encourage.
The thing that we need to keep in mind is that many of the issues surrounding city government are neutral or non partisan and for a politician to succeed in that environment through both personal success and greater encouragement can lay the groundwork for future political successes for such a politician, which then enter a greater atmosphere – successes that is – where their true colors or philosophical beliefs come into play, but only so because past contemporaries have allowed it to happen through their enabling and encouragement from a less controversial or divisive time.
As far as the ‘Scott files,’ well, I can relate. It’s also called a photographic memory. Such an attribute is both a blessing and a hell at times. It makes it hard to forget, and when you don’t forget have you truly forgiven, or is forgiveness merely an instrument for the bliss?… As one of faith, I pray not…