Budget Hearings – 3 PM

There will be presentations on the Health Department, Planning and Development, Affordable Housing and Transit.

City Council Meeting – 7 PM

Item #1, Approval of Contracts;

The city is looking at sending out Mass Notification text messages about important emergencies, etc. I hope one of the city councilors pulls this item so we have more explanation on what this all encompasses.

Item #22, Resolution, Capital Budget Adoption, 2019.

I suspect some convo on this one.

Item #38-39, Ordinance, 2nd Reading, Railyard Redevelopment Overlay District.

Item #43, 1st Reading, Lifescape Parking.

Item #44, 1st Reading, Apartment rezoning. This is a highly controversial item. I expect a lot of dissent from the neighbors. They want to build a large senior living apartment complex in an established neighborhood with water drainage issues. This is the item the Planning Commission threw the flaming football to the city council claiming they had a ‘legal right’ to approve this, even though commissioner Paulson voted ‘NO’.

Item #51, Motion. WTF!? I have NO clue what this is.

Item #53, Motion to approve new city attorney. It is interesting that COS Beck signed this for the mayor.

6 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Aug 21, 2018

  1. Beck’s signature is proof that our Mayor is a resume stuffer.


  2. Having her sign off on minor things is fine. But signing off on the appointment of the head city attorney tells me this is a test of authority. I made some councilors aware that this is NOT acceptable, and some questions need to be asked what exactly her authority is? She is NOT an elected official, she is appointed. Unless he is laying in bed in a coma, he should be signing off on appointments and new hires. I was told that the former mayor personally signed off on every single new hire, whether that was a director or a janitor.

  3. Beck might be channeling some Edith Wilson, or else Al Haig. Her signature on this, however, is unfortunately symbolic of the corporate hand on City government:


  4. SD Vet on August 18, 2018 at 11:24 pm said:

    Appears to be an instance of authorized signing authority when the mayor is away on business or otherwise unavailable. In most municipalities this is all laid out by executive order. Not everything is a conspiracy theory.

  5. Here is a series of questions. If the mayor isn’t signing, could it be he can’t sign it? What if he is conflicted in some way?

    What if the mayor is related in some form to the appointed city attorney?

    Could it be the city attorney designate has been a personal or business attorney on an issue and it highlights a conflict?

    Could the mayor have been had employer / contractor / contributor / committee arrangement with Kooistra at some point in their lives?

    Why is David Fiddle Faddle involved in this? If Fiddle Faddle trying to keep his fingers on the secrets of Sioux Falls City government?

    What can anyone tell us about his military service? Why do we have to hire someone to protect our rights and maintain open government who while in the service was likely there to hide information?

  6. SD Vet, you are correct, she does have this authority, she is appointed as his ‘fill in’ if he is gone or ‘other’. But don’t you think it is a little strange that one of his first major appointments he doesn’t sign the piece of paper? And it’s not like he is sick and laid up in a hospital. They could have easily emailed or text him the doc, he could sign it electronically and send it back, a tech savvy guy like this would know how to do that.

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