South DaCola

Jason Reisdorfer confirmed 7-1

Stehly was the dissenting vote. Her testimony was very interesting. She said Jason will be coming in at a salary of $147K, the same salary the past Central Services Director was making when she left. Jason is 38ish and has a HS Diploma. The past director had a BA in Business, a Master in Information Technology and 17 years experience in the field. Let’s just say Jason is very, very, very lucky to get this job. I actually support the mayor on his selection. I won’t say why I have had a change of heart, but let’s just say it is NOT for the reasons you think.

One of the interesting testimonies that came from several of Jason’s supporters tonight was a friend from Brandon who said there needs to be LESS transparency in government. I had to chuckle. Fine sir, this is why you are drinking radioactive water in your town, NO transparency in your city’s government.

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