South DaCola

Apparently $5,000 a ticket isn’t an ‘Elitist’ Event

I used think who could possibly be so idiotic to run a political consulting/marketing business while working as the Deputy SOS. Oh that’s right THIS GUY.

His insane stupidity continues with this post;

It might be just me.. but does that invitation come off as a bit “elitist?”

While at first glance a bunch of rich Democratic (and some Republican) women getting together for cheese and wine may look a little uppity, but I don’t think anyone can outdo NOEM’s presidential fundraiser at $5,000 a ticket. But hey, she isn’t an elitist because she shops at HyVee;

I would contrast that with the fact that every once in a while I run into Kristi or her husband at HyVee in Brookings.  Of course, HyVee is very much “non-elitist,”

I know several women listed on this invitation and I run into them all over Sioux Falls all of the time. As for HyVee, I consider it the most elitist grocery store in town, I like to slum it at Aldi’s.

I’m also wondering when Kristi is going to pay back the good taxpayers of Sioux Falls $29,000 for providing the President security for a NON-PUBLIC event. While I detest Trump, I still would have liked to see him at a public event. Darn, I didn’t have the $5,000. I guess I’m not ‘Elitist’ enough. LOL.

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