South DaCola

UPDATE: Bruce addressed Sioux Falls School Board working session today about auditing bond election

Notice in the video below that Bruce is cut off at around 3:30 minutes. I guess they have a 3 minute limit at working sessions (where do they come up with these silly rules?). He had some other questions on his list to ask. He was going to ask what the current SFSD debt is before taking out a $300 million dollar bond. No one knows. The only thing I could find is $13 million in debt service in a financial report from last year(?). That would put their current debt at around $100-150 million. But it is still a mystery.

I also find the facial expressions and nervousness of Todd Vik, the business manager of the SFSD interesting. Mr. Vik is sitting in the corner and hunched over his laptop and NOT very happy about Bruce’s testimony. From what we could see from Brady Mallory’s FB video on election night Mr. Vik and Doug Morrison were the ones entering the vote tally into the computer. BUT, we are NOT certain because we haven’t been able to audit the election documents.

Which brings us to Bruce’s testimony. We still have received NO word from the SFSD if they are going to provide documents concerning the election which are taxpayer domain and owned by the taxpayers. They have said ZILCH.

I think they are playing a game of running out the clock.

Some have asked me if we get the opportunity to audit the election and the results are off by a considerable amount and the bonds have already been borrowed, than what happens? Honestly, I don’t know. I do know a lot of people would be in a lot of trouble, but I’m not sure if the bonds can be given back? I know, complicated.

If the SFSD really has all the integrity they claim to have, they would turn over the documents ASAP and let us look them over and recount the ballots. We could easily do it with a group of volunteers on a Saturday afternoon. They need to do this BEFORE one penny is borrowed.

It will be interesting to see what smoke and mirrors they present us. But after watching Mr. Vik and Mr. Alberty’s performance on this video, I expect this to get really messy before it gets resolved.

Notice the crickets after his presentation.

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