You mean when manufacturing dumps on land for over 100 years there will have to be soil cleanup? Who knew!?

And after breaking ground, Quasney said it quickly became clear why the site qualified for some assistance.

“We are probably three months behind from where we’d really like to be,” Quasney said. “Most of that was associated with site remediation specific to petroleum on the site.”

We have known for well over 15 years this area would need major cleanup. I have said all along instead of giving TIFs the city could have budgeted over the past 15 years to cleanup the site for developers and sell it as a ‘clean site’. While I think there would have been some costs for SF taxpayers, I think the city could have applied for EPA Federal grants and even state funds to clean up the site. I think in the long run we could have sold the site as a clean site ready for development and would not have had to give millions in TIF tax rebates. TIFs are a scam, and the city continues to throw theses stories out to the media to make it look like they are needed. They are NOT, there are other options.

By l3wis

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