Sioux Falls City Council Invited the Brandon City government over to have dinner and conversation on December 20, 2018. Most of each Council showed up for a nice dinner in front of our cameraman Bruce.

As the only public, guess who was the only one to speak (tough guess for ya, right?). The night’s topic was regionalization of resources. Its about time and its about the right thing to do.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Brandon/Sioux Falls City Council Joint Meeting (Public Input)”
  1. It’s important that Brandon democracy maintains communication with Sioux Falls Home Rule oligarchy. There will be more bodies at the Falls for Brandon to recover. Brandon must always be a safe place away from SF gangs and pedophiles.

  2. Did the Brandonites ask about when the “Speedy Trains” were going to show up?

    Or, was this merely a strategy meeting to save Huset’s?

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