South DaCola

Did the city change Agenda sequence after pressure from Cameraman Bruce?

When the new SIRE program came online recently, Bruce noticed some major changes;

I’d still like to have an understanding why we have to start a new numbering system, reusing previously assigned numbers? No one with any understanding of normalizing data would do this. Are we to forever have the current vendor holding this mess over the city forever?

The video indexing / numbering issues are serious. I’d still like to have an understanding why the upgrade system had to start reusing previously assigned numbers previously used. From a data management design, makes no sense. No one with any understanding of normalizing data would do this. In time, this reuse will cause data confusion and system crashes.

The agenda started using lettering under numbers, and different sequence numbers (it has mysteriously disappeared), it seems in the most recent meeting they dropped it, and scrubbed it from past meetings.

Who changed the past agendas from letters back to numbers? Who authorized this?

They kept it in the planning meetings.

Why did they do that? The decisions on how the meetings are organized and posted should be a decision made by the council’s operations committee and voted on by the entire city council. It seems those pesky charter rules are getting the way of progress.

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