See, I’m not crazy folks. Former city councilor Andy Howes tweeted this morning about the stupidity of the trains crossing Cliff Avenue at the worst possible time. But as I have been told, you can’t do nuttin’ to stop the trains.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Former SF City Councilor Howes shares my frustration”
  1. This “bottlenecking” is Huether’s Berlin Wall, that limits the people all in the name of economic development for the few….. “Mr. Ten Haken, tear down this wall!”

  2. Besides drying golf courses, maybe the Sanford helicopter could start being used for traffic reports in this town….
    ….”Stay away from the Cliff Avenue, traffic is backed up near the 12th Street exit….”……”There’s an additional bottleneck on 6th Street due to a train derailment….”

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