South DaCola

UPDATE: Metro Council has sudden meeting

The only place we could find the meeting posted was on Minnehaha County Administration Door. There are a lot of rumors swirling around why the ‘Special’ meeting was called. The obvious one is that the last Metro manager just resigned. I guess the job was posted, and not sure if there was any takers, but look at the sentence in the yellow highlighted area “Discussion on future structure”.

Recently the Emergency Manager for Minnehaha County resigned after there was talk to merging the job into the Sheriff’s office. Doubt he will be replaced. Is Metro looking to merge 911 into the sheriff’s office also? I guess we will have to see the results of the meeting.

UPDATE: The meeting was posted on Wednesday by the City Clerks office, but many people, including the mayor seem to be confused who the council belongs to (City or County). Let’s see, the Mayor is the Chair, and councilors Kiley and Erickson sit on the council with Commissioners Barth and Beninga. Seems to me both entities are involved. The meeting should be posted by both of them. Someone who is attending the meeting this morning told me that everyone showed up except Erickson. I will talk to them after the meeting to see what happened.

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