South DaCola

Parks Board switches meeting to last Friday instead of this Tuesday

The Sioux Falls Parks Board has been famous for jumping their meetings around to different locations and different dates and having the meetings on Tuesday’s at 4 PM at the same time as the City Council Informational. The council has taken issue with this since they cannot attend the meetings which in the past have not been recorded until now. The suggestion has been that one of the most powerful boards of the city (besides planning) should meet at Carnegie and have their meetings in front of the cameras, which just might happen.

During the last (recorded) meeting they talked about how the meetings will now be held on Wednesdays on the 3rd week of the month (I believe starting in 2019). So will they record the meetings in front of cameras? Who knows, since no one at this point has discussed this except in a Friday meeting that no one knew about, and the audio hasn’t popped up yet.

And why the mysterious change of the meeting date last week?

I guess I have never really understood the high level of secrecy and elitism surrounding the Parks Board. But I’m sure for those who serve on the board they don’t understand why transparency and openness is important.

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