• The new year started with a NEW Golf Contract due to an emergency meeting and a secret city RFP process.

• Repeal of Downtown parking ramp fails.

• Judge orders McKennan Park big house must go, after some appeals it is eventually demolished.

• Pat Lalley continues independent local political show, but ends it before the year is up.

• Huether has multiple pointless press conferences up until the end of his reign. He never does reveal his ‘big plans’.

• Independent(?) siding report reveals very little. Huether still refuses to admit he probably authorized the bad siding.

• New blog; thesiouxfallsheadliner.blog keeps us laughing.

• Ribfest finally ends, and nobody seems to care.

• Nick Weiland switches from the mayoral race to run against Erickson on council. The GOP Hate machine beats up ‘Man Bun’ over it.

• The push for a state veterans cemetery in Sioux Falls is successful, thank you SF taxpayers for the generous donation of land.

• Entenman’s ties to Huether doom his race for mayor, even though he spends almost triple of what his closest opponent did. That’s too bad.

• A rumor gets started that Stehly may run for mayor. God tells her not to.

• Hard copies of executive orders mysteriously disappear, rumor has it that Fiddle-Faddle and Erpenbach had a shredding party before they left the city. The world may never know.

• Representative Jamison’s secret settlement bill fails in Pierre. Secrecy continues to rule South Dakota government.

• Frequent public inputer calls Mayor Huether a SOB, twice. It causes major changes to public input.

• Charter Revision Commission allows NO changes to ordinance on the ballot. One member said that if they allow ordinance changes on the ballot, they may pass. Oh, Heaven forbid.

• Council Candidate Soehl gets funded by the big wheels, and after only winning by 40 some odd votes, he doesn’t let them down.

• Paramedics Plus changes ownership, city council approves with little discussion or concern.

• The debate over public ambulances is in full gear, due to me bringing it up during the Mayor’s race.

• City still struggles with using snow gates properly and on EVERY property.

• David Z doesn’t make the mayoral ballot, his temp help collection signatures lost track of time.

• Dumbass buys a condo DT with a patio facing a long standing nightclub and wonders why it is noisy.

• Mayor Huether goes on Belfrage’s show and says that most people probably think he is running for a 3rd term and don’t know he can’t. He basically accuses the mayoral candidates of not getting their message out there.

• We find out that Mayor TenHaken likes to take selfies, and a lot of them.

• TenHaken promises to get tough on crime during campaign, then fails to negotiate a fair contract with FOP.

• In one of the strangest votes, the city council denies a beer license to a discount movie theatre, 8-0, then turns around and approves them for several axe throwing venues. It is still baffling.


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Sioux Falls, South Dacola, Year in the Review (Part I)”
  1. Huether has multiple pointless press conferences up until the end of his reign. He never does reveal his ‘big plans’.
    -Because once he exited, he realized how badly he was disliked. He spent like crazy and tried to rule by fear and intimidation. Unlikely he will ever hold a political seat again.
    Ribfest finally ends, and nobody seems to care.
    – How did this last so long? Come pay 4 times to supermarket price to say you were at Ribfest! Small portions, huge prices, and mediocre entertainment
    A rumor gets started that Stehly may run for mayor. God tells her not to.
    – She should run. She thinks she is the end all, be all to everything. She even wants to negotiate city contracts now. We get her opinion on every single subject no matter how mundane. She loves herself, and believes she is never wrong. Don’t dare point out facts to her!

    Frequent public inputer calls Mayor Huether a SOB, twice. It causes major changes to public input.
    – Nah, they are scared of her. You can get away with a lot during input and she proved it. Though I don’t disagree with shortening input. Too many folks were just getting up there and rambling forever. I’d blame DZ before I’d blame her! Zombie Apocalypse anyone?
    Dumbass buys a condo DT with a patio facing a long standing nightclub and wonders why it is noisy.
    – Don’t buy a house on the beach and complain your shoes have sand in them!
    TenHaken promises to get tough on crime during campaign, then fails to negotiate a fair contract with FOP.
    – Cause 2.5 and 3 aren’t fair! Been a long time since I’ve had a 3. Don’t ever move to state government if you thing 3 percent raises are ‘taking in the shorts’

  2. Moldy Taco..Merry Christmas!! My opinion for the season: Turn on MPR FM 88.1 and listen to the beautiful music until Christmas at Midnight.
    I’m glad you are either attending meetings or watching on TV. Either way, I’m grateful someone is paying attention.

  3. Yeah, Taco. Councilor Stehly is possessed of that pesky “conscience” thing. Such a dated notion. Irritating, isn’t it?

  4. I hope Stehly DOES run because seems to be she is one of the few to actually think of ALL the citizens in the city and not just herself and the others sitting on city council.

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